Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4th Writing Period Rubric

The fourth writing period will be judged by Mr. Wonderful. Stories are due on March 5th. Here is the rubric:

Parameter #1: The story must take place in the future. Imagine two naked bodies orbiting each other in zero-gravity while their ship orbits the rings of Saturn, or a Romeo-Juliet tryst with a human and an alien species, or sex in the future underwater world after global warming has wiped out terrestrial land on Earth (possibly starring Kevin Costner), or some unforeseen event that occurs in April of 2010. You get the idea. The where and when are completely up to you.

Parameter #2: The first and last word of your story have to match. So choose your words carefully.

Challenge #1: Note that this is not a parameter so it's not required for submission. However, to make things more interesting I challenge you to include multiple perspectives on at least one character in your story. To give you an idea of what I mean, read this quote from Steinbeck's "Cannery Row":

"[Cannery Row's] inhabitants are, as the man once said, 'whores, pimps, gamblers, and sons of bitches,' by which he meant everybody. Had the man looked through another peephole he might have said, 'saints and angels and martyrs and holy men,' and he would have meant the same thing."

Target a character from more than one perspective, and you will be given special consideration in judging.

-Mr. Wonderful


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